Metric Conversion Chart

1012 microphones =1 megaphone
1012 pins =1 terrapin
2×106 bicycles =2 megacycles
106 aches =1 megahertz
2000 mockingbirds =2 kilomockingbirds
2000 pounds of Chinese soup =wonton
1000 grams of wet socks =1 literhosen
500 millenaries =1 seminary
453.6 graham crackers =1 pound cake
100 rations =1 C-ration
365.25 days of low-cal diet =1 lite-year
16.5 feet in the Twilight Zone =1 rod serling
10 cards =1 decacards
10 millipedes =1 centipede
10 monologues =5 dialogues
10 rations =1 decoration
8 nickels =2 paradigms
5 dialogues =1 decalogue
5 holocausts =1 Pentecost
3 1/3 tridents =1 decadent
2.4 miles of feeding tube at Yale =1 IV league
2.5 diagrams =1 pentagram
2 monograms =1 diagram
2 semicolons =1 intestine
2 snake eyes =1 paradise
2 universities =1 diversity
2 wharves =1 paradox
10-6 fish =1 microfiche
10-6 mouthwash =1 microscope

basic unit of laryngitis: hoarsepower
force exerted by falling fruit: fig newton
ratio of an igloo's circumference to its diameter: eskimo pi
shortest distance between two jokes: a straight line
time between slipping on a peel and hitting the pavement: bananosecond
time it takes to sail 220 yards at 1 nautical mile per hour: knot-furlong
weight of an televangelist: billigram

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Dumb Things People Say
Lien À Trois
Elmwood Court